Wordless Wednesdays Feed

Almost Wordless Wednesday: My Continued Gardening Progress???


002 004 Coco's garden above :)


I tried to get a photo at night of the fiber optic solar lights which I think look nicer in person than in this photo:

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I am definitely no master gardener, I'm really just a beginner.  Please remember this is what we started with after a very brutal winter - so sad looking I know:


Hopefully this angel wind chime I bought at The Homosassa state Park will help keep us safe - hey I'll try anything :)

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Almost Wordless Wednesday - Puerto Rico Photos

I love these Wordless or almost Wordless Wednesdays for several reasons.  First of all, I've always believed a picture says a 1000 words and it gives me the opportunity to blog while on vacation.  I promise to provide descriptions and more information when I'm home in a few days.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope everyone is doing well :)

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Bad thunderstorm this afternoon - got pretty wild!