Princess Feed

Great News On Chanel and Petfinder :)

008Chanel is back up to 8 pounds and 1 ounce!  She was down to about 7 pounds 3 ounces about 6 weeks ago.  She had always weighed about 8 pounds and 12 ounces prior to her weight loss.  She is sitting on the chaise lounge above,  Fleur is on the big chair hammock and princess is watching the birds.

I'm elated that adoptions are way up at the shelter where I take photos and post them on Petfinder!  The above photo is of Noha.  This cat was approximately four years old and had been with them since he was a kitten.  I guess some of the main volunteers cried when he left.

When it comes to the color of a cat, solid black cats are the least likely to get adopted and the most likely to be euthanized at a kill shelter.  I would guesstimate that aproximately 75 % or more of the adult cats at the shelter I help at are all black.

I am going back to the shelter on Friday to update Petfinder and take some more photos.

Thanks so much for visiting and I hope you are having a good week :)

Hello Again My Friends

Over the past month, OK it's probably been a little longer than that, I've been evaluating the way I use or shall I say misuse my time on the computer.  I have decided that in order for me to accomplish some of my other goals such as exercising more, I need to cut back on my blogging.

I am going to continue to post on my blog, but only about once a week.  My primary focus will be for personal reasons and to update family and friends.  When I started writing this blog about 18 months ago we were fostering animals and I thought we would continue.  However, we have decided to keep MANY of our fosters and with Coco's at least monthly doctor appointments, we simply can't foster at this time.  We continue to help animals in other ways through donations and will hopefully be able to foster someday again.

It is for the reasons that I mentioned above that I've regretfully made the decision to leave Entrecard at this time.  I apologize to everyone who had advertising already set to run on my blog when I disappeared last month.  I have REALLY liked Entrecard.  It is only due to the time commitment that I've decided to leave for now. 

I have met SO many wonderful people through Entrecard who write such beautiful blogs.  That is the only reason I waited so long to return and announce this decision.  I will still be visiting several of you and I may return at a later date with the same or maybe a new blog.  THANK YOU so much to all the wonderful people I have met through Entrecard who have been so kind and supportive of meand my blog over the past year!!!

Coco is doing well as is the rest of our furkids.  She went to the doctors two weeks ago and got another good report :) 

I am headed to Cancun with two buddies from high school the day after tomorrow.  I will post some photos of my trip when I return next weekend.

I hope everyone is doing well and I will close with some random photos of the furkids. 






True Rescue Story Tuesday: Princess

This is Princess now:


She is the black cat on the rug under the Christmas tree playing laser tag with her sisters.  She loves to play with all her toys and especially loves laser tag.  She is quite well adjusted now and gets along well with all of our cats and even our black lab!

However, she has not always been the happy go lucky playful cat she is now.  My husband found her in the woods behind his Ohio office in June.  She was just a kitten and was very skittish.  We guessed she had been living in the woods her entire short life that we guessed to be six months at the most.  He fed her everyday and finally she began to get closer to him and let him touch her.  That is when he realized her belly was big and her nipples were protruding.  He took her to the vet as soon as he could catch her and we got her a check up to be sure she was not FIV positive and cleaned up enough so that she could come to our house and our cats would be safe.  The vet said she would probably have her babies in just a few weeks We kept her in a spare bedroom.  She barely poked her head out from under the bed where she hid for weeks only to eat - which was actually really often!

We were very afraid she would have the babies under the bed so we removed the mattresses and set up a comfortable area in the closet for her to have her kittens.  Thank goodness she did.

She was such a good mommy to her three babies!


Fortunately we found homes for all three of the kittens fairly easily.You probably won;t find that much of a surprise from the photo below:


She is still a little skittish but seems very happy to have a home and get to play and act like a kitten finally:)



Have a Safe and Wonderful Holiday From the Furkids

I tried to get all the furkids together in front of our Christmas tree, but that's not easy with this many :)  Anyways, we hope everyone has a wonderful holiday! 


I will leave you with a picture of our outdoor light display that my hubby worked so hard on with a picture of yours truly last week, exhausted after a long day at work: