Seeking Solace With Santorini's Cats at Kamari Beach
My Travel and Photography Goals for 2016

Ruth and Idgie: An Abandoned Paralyzed Cat and Dachshund are Adopted and Inseparable


Ruth and Idgie were named after the characters in the popular movie "Fried Green Tomatoes"  Ruth is a partially paralyzed cat, but can still get around (a little slowly) to eat and use her litter box.  Here is their new home's, Hollywood Hounz, address and phone number in case you ever want to visit Ruth and Idgie or adopt some of their beautiful cats.  

        Hollywood Hounz

  • 4243 W Lake Mary Blvd
    Lake Mary, FL 32746
  • Phone number: (407) 688-7626

.  Please be sure to watch the following video about this Dachshund named Idgie and partially paralyzed cat named Ruth:  The following two minute video can be found on Youtube at:


Ruth and Idgie being visited by another rescue cat who is on a diet and has lost weight since being taken in by Hollywood Hounz:
Pano (1 of 1)-350Ruth and Idgie getting ready for a nap in their bed:
Pano (1 of 1)-350Pano (1 of 1)-350Idgie:
Pano (1 of 1)-350Here are some other beautiful rescue cats at Hollywood Hounz.  Most are available for adoption:
Pano (1 of 1)-350This beauty is a Maine Coon cat:
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Pano (1 of 1)-350There are some adorable kittens available for adoption too:
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Pano (1 of 1)-350Their store/boutique is very nice!
Pano (1 of 1)-350I will leave you with a short video I made of my husband feeding Ruth and Idgie treats:

I will leave you with a photo of Ruth and I.  As always I appreciate your visit.  Please feel free to leave me any questions or comments.  Have a great week everyone!




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Oh Michelle, they are adorableā€¦ and such good friendsā€¦ this melts my heart :-)


What an amazing pair! I'm so glad there are people looking out for them.


Of course I love all the animals here. Wish I could take them home with me :) I enjoyed the videos, the connection between those two is fascinating! So much love :)

Kofla Olivieri

Cute couple, lol


it melts my heart!!!!!


Love the movie FGT and love them fluffies lol! This place looks really clean and well-kept, I'm sure our furry friends are keeping warm and comfy there! :)

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