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A Wish Granted By Our Precious Coco On Her Angel Day?

Coco passed away two years ago on March 19th.  On that day one of my top three wishes was granted.  I had been hoping and praying that a wonderful cat named Kendall with FIV at our shelter would get adopted quickly.  Here is a photo of her and her story:

Kendall is a beautiful cat who unfortunately contracted FIV but is 
very healthy. She is super friendly and playful.  
HUMANS can NOT get ill from FIV infected cats.
Kendall has had a tough time.  She had 3 kittens born 
with FIV.  Because the kittens were born with the virus, 
they had very high levels in their systems and passed 
away from cancer by age one.  Kendall's vet has said 
that because she contracted the virus later in life, she 
has a much better chance of staying healthy.  She is 
very lonely and sad.  Kendall would like nothing more 
than to have her first home and family.  FIV cats can 
lead normal lives. Please see this article:


 I was so worried about Kendall after all 3 of her babies passes away in 2 months!  The family had their own little islation room with a great outdoor view.  The last kitten passed away last week.  I posted EVERYWHERE, called all the vets, and told everyone I knew about Kendall.  Then on Monday, a day we normally keep our shelter closed for cleaning, a family knocked on the door wanting a cat.  They have no other pets and chose Kendall! 

What a wonderful thing to happen on Coco's angel date!!!

Thanks for reading and in memory of Kendall's beautiful babies I am going to post their photos.  Take care everyone.  Hope to be back to blogging sooner rather than later.  However, I had to tell this story.



