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There's No Place Like Home!

011It's great to be home.  I so missed Jasmine and all my pets.  However, I was able to cross off one of the items on my bucket list and accomplished the goal of getting my advanced Yoga certification.


Bella left today for four days to stay with her new family and I miss her!  She will be coming back to us for 2 weeks on Monday when her new family goes on vacation.  I'm so looking forward to having her back and we've told them that any time they want to go out of town we will be happy to watch herI get attached to all of our foster pets, but Bella has been such a joy.  She is recovering really nicely from her surgery and runs all over and rolls around just like most poodles :)

021I am just now recovering from my jet lag and starting back into teaching my Yoga classes. I feel awful that I am so overdue in catching up on my favorite blogs.  Thanks so much for not giving up on me.  Take care my friends!!! 


Bella's Story p.s. It's a Happy Ending :)

Bella is an 18 year old miniature poodle who was abandoned by some "human being" at a nearby construction site last week.  She had a very large tumor on her underside that was so big that it was making it difficult for her to walk.  Thankfully the tumor was benign and the vet said she had a nice strong heart. 

Bella was operated on four days ago as you can see from her bandages above.  The surgery went well and she is recovering at our house.  She is eating and walking around and just as sweet as can be.  She will be staying with us for the next 3 weeks until she goes to her new home on October 16th!  Her new parents have several older poodles and have visited Bella and definitely want her <3

The above photo is of Sasha and Bella.  They are about the same size.  Our cats all seem to love her and so do we :)

Thanks so much for stopping by.  Hopefully my life will be back to normal soon. I returned from Hawaii a few days ago and am slowly recovering from jetlag which I'm never good at!  Take care my friends!



Poolenalena Park Beach, Maui Hawaii AKA Secret Beach


Here are some more photos of this amazing park known as "Secret Beach" here on the island:

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I have about 2 weeks left of 12 hour days and then my adjustment to a 6 hour difference time change to look forward to when I return home.  In spite of all that, I'm completely in my element and having a wonderful time.  Strange to think that I just finished a 2 hour Ashtanga HOT Yoga class at 2 AM my time.  Hmmm...do you think I'll have some jet lag when I return to florida ;)?

Thanks for stopping by!  I truly appreciate all my loyal and occasional readers!


Aloha From Maui!

008 WOW!  All I can say is that I love it here!

I am very busy working toward my advanced certification as a Yoga instructor.   I still have a ways to go and I haven't been able to sight see yet, but the view above is right in my back yard.  Everyone is so nice here and my Ashtanga Hot Yoga training is very challenging, but so enjoyable at the same time.  Here are a few more photos.  I will try to post more soon.

Even the city looks beautiful to me:

I was really enjoying watching several dogs play in the ocean at the beach:

It sure did make me miss these guys:

Thank goodness my husband is holding down the fort and sending me photos daily.  I truly have been visiting your blogs, but haven't been commenting because I am so focused on this extremely intense training.  I will make it up to you all.  Have a wonderful week my friends :)