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Our Cats New Quarter's - Still a Work in Progress

Our cats still have the run of the house, but we wanted them to have their own room.  There is a cat door leading to the patio/pool.  More photos to come.  I am STILL working on everything...and I'm starting to think I ALWAYS will be ;)

005 Pool photos at night:
009 Fake alligator in the distance:
Thanks for stopping by.  Sending many warm thoughts to my wonderful readers in lieu of visiting you for now.  Take care everyone and I hope you are all well!!!

SPCA/Humane Society Estate Sale That Actually Made the News Showing Me Sans Make-up/Hair Styled ;(

Last weekend I spent the day at an estate sale benefiting the SPCA/Humane Society for the county I live in. I may have solved my moving issues since I may own almost enough to furnish both houses - the best part is helping the homeless animals!
Bad part is that I was interviewed by the news sans make up/hair done and in yoga clothes.  I will think again before leaving the house in such a hurry again ;)

I am incredibly grateful to this wonderful and generous person who donated their entire estate to help our county's homeless animals.  She has made a huge difference for them!