Our Scare With "Old Dog" Vestibular Disease
No Time To Blog Wordless Wednesday: Chanel Is Ready For the Prom After Visiting the "Smitten Kitten" Groomer


005Meet Cleopatra:  Our latest foster cat!

The 6 inch diameter bowl above shows just how tiny she is.  You might guess her to be 4 months old, but she is actually more than 4 years old!  She got very sick a few weeks ago and lost some hair and a lot of weight.  The shelter took her to the vet and learned she had an infection.  I was very worried about her extreme weight loss and thought she might recover more quickly in a spare room at my house.  She is such a sweet cat.  The type that sleeps right next to you all the time.  I have been trying to give her good food (Royal Canin baby cat is great for cats who need to gain weight), lots of attention, and of course her antibiotics.  She has gained a little weight and has a lot more energy.  I am going to try VERY hard to find her a home.  She has been in the shelter since she was found as a stray kitten four years ago.  She has beautiful green eyes which I'll try to show you later.

Queenie found a home in an assisted living facility where they allow pets.  I'm so happy for her and her new owner.  I also hope more of these assisted living facilities and nursing homes and apartments begin allowing pets more often!

I know I'm always whining about all the little things I have to do, but I just couldn't stop thinking about this cat.  Thanks so much to everyone who stops by and I hope everyone is having a great week :)




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Cleopatra looks even smaller than me, and at under 6 lbs., I am pretty small! I hope she finds a home soon!


Michelle you do such good work with the shelters. I hope that poor little kitty gets well soon and finds a good home.

Daisy the Curly Cat

Little Cleopatra is so pretty! I think kitties and nursing homes/assisted living facilities are a match made in heaven.

My great gramma LOVED it whenever the resident dog or cat would come to visit her room. She always kept a bowl full of treats just in case she got a visit from one of them, and it was the highlight of her day.

Brenda @ Split Rock Ranch

Bless you for taking Cleopatra into your home and taking such good care of her. I hope she finds her loving furever home soon. I hate it that black cats are passed over for adoption!

Woo hoo for Queenie! How wonderful that she will be at an assisted living facility - she will have loads of attention there!


Cleopatra looks just like our Little Miss BG. She arrived here out of no where. I believe she was pregnant. So I had her spayed and they didn't tell me if she was or wasn't. Anyway she is very small too and black. Sure hope you can find her a home when she gets back on her feet.
That is so exciting that Queenie found a home.
Let me ask you something Michelle, can anyone put a cat on Petfinder or does it have to be a rescue place or a shelter?? I am trying to find a home for Little Miss BG since there are so many cats here and I feel like she needs a lot more attention than I can give her. Thanks. Email if you want to.


Thanks everyone for wishing sweet Cleopatra well!!!


If you contact a local shelter and ask them to list your cat or dog most will help. They will need your contact info., photos, and a description of the animal.


Yay! for Queenie. Hope she gets lots of love and attention.
Cleopatra sounds just like my mom's cat, who is also tiny although she is already 5 years old. She has health issues too.
I'm positive Cleo will recover with your TLC. Thank you for taking her in, Michelle. You have such a huge heart. Thank you!


She's a beautiful cat! :D

Account Deleted

I hope tiny Cleopatra will find a nice loving home soon.


Good work, Michelle!!
You're the greatest! :-))

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