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May 18, 2011
Meet Cleopatra: Our latest foster cat!
The 6 inch diameter bowl above shows just how tiny she is. You might guess her to be 4 months old, but she is actually more than 4 years old! She got very sick a few weeks ago and lost some hair and a lot of weight. The shelter took her to the vet and learned she had an infection. I was very worried about her extreme weight loss and thought she might recover more quickly in a spare room at my house. She is such a sweet cat. The type that sleeps right next to you all the time. I have been trying to give her good food (Royal Canin baby cat is great for cats who need to gain weight), lots of attention, and of course her antibiotics. She has gained a little weight and has a lot more energy. I am going to try VERY hard to find her a home. She has been in the shelter since she was found as a stray kitten four years ago. She has beautiful green eyes which I'll try to show you later.
Queenie found a home in an assisted living facility where they allow pets. I'm so happy for her and her new owner. I also hope more of these assisted living facilities and nursing homes and apartments begin allowing pets more often!
I know I'm always whining about all the little things I have to do, but I just couldn't stop thinking about this cat. Thanks so much to everyone who stops by and I hope everyone is having a great week :)
Our Scare With "Old Dog" Vestibular Disease
May 04, 2011
This morning our black lab, pictured above, who is approximately 10-12 years old was stumbling, having trouble walking, and eventually fell down. Our first fear was that he had suffered a stroke. He was brought to the vet immediately and THANKFULLY the doctor did not think it was a stroke. His probable diagnoses is "Old Dog Vestibular Disease".
The following exerpt is taken from www.petplace.com:
The vestibular system is primarily responsible for keeping the head and body in the correct orientation with respect to gravity.
This system will alert the brain if we are standing, sitting, lying down, falling, spinning in circles, and keeps the body balanced. The vestibular system is comprised of nerves that start in the brain and continue to the inner ear. The sensors in the inner ear are responsible for informing the brain about any movement. Vestibular disease affects the ability of the brain to recognize abnormal body positions and also affects the brain's ability to correct these abnormalities.
Disorders of the vestibular system are divided into central vestibular disease and peripheral vestibular disease.
Central vestibular disease occurs due to an abnormality within the brain. Peripheral vestibular disease occurs due to an abnormality within the nerves of the inner ear.
Most cases of vestibular disease are peripheral and no known cause is determined. These are referred to as idiopathic.
Vestibular disease typically affects older dogs with an average age of 12 to 13 years.
Animal afflicted with vestibular disease become suddenly very dizzy and the symptoms can be very drastic and frightening to the owner.
What to Watch For:
Vestibular disease can affect an animal very suddenly. Due to the signs of head tilt, circling and staggering, many owners feel their pet has had a stroke. Fortunately, strokes are rare in animals.
I wanted to post this information so anyone who reads this doesn't have the terrible scare we had today. There is a possibility that Shadow's symptoms are of an inner ear infection so he is on antibiotics just in case. If the vet's diagnoses is correct, Shadow's symptoms should disappear in 5-7 days. He already seems to be feeling better :)
My husband found Shadow in his work parking lot almost 7 years ago. He was full grown, very skinny, but had been neutered. After several days of feeding him and seeing him nearly get hit by a car, we decided to take him in. Shadow has "Separation Anxiety Disorder". It is clear that he was abused and probably thrown out on the street to fend for himself. He is my husband's "shadow" and whimpers non stop and sometimes won't eat if my husband or I aren't around. He has gotten a little more trusting over the years and likes the very nice doggy day care he stays at when we travel.
Thanks for visiting and I hope you are all doing well.