Graduation Day and the Wai Opae Tide Pools in Kapoho
Yes, You Can Find Pure Breeds At Shelters! Here's How...

SPCA and Petfinder Update

As most of you know I take photos at my local SPCA non-kill shelter and list them on Petfinder.  I will be writing a follow-up post about how wonderful Petfinder is and how it works in the next few days.

In the mean time, I wanted to show you some adorable three week old kittens that will be available in May.  I didn't take them out of their cage because their mother is VERY protective!  The next two photos are of Pretty Boy and Pretty Girl who are Russian Blues.  Russian Blues are known for being potentially hypoallergenic.  These two cats have medium to long hair and are SO soft.  However, they would need to be tested due to their hair being long to see whether or not they are in fact hypoallergenic.  The last photo is of a super sweet kitty named Charley.  ALL of these cats would make wonderful pets!


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The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

We hope they all find forever homes soon. They are all precious!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie


You're such a wonderful person Michelle.
By the way, the middle one looks just like my Smokey :-)


They are ALL so sweet. That picture of Charley is adorable. I hope they will be adopted into loving homes soon. Thank you for all that you do for the animals.

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