Black Sands Beach, Hawaii
One Year Later...Remembering Our Beloved Angel Coco

Hawaii Trip Continued - Green Sands Beach

060 059 It was a 2 hour drive, a 3 mile hike out to this beach, and a very steep walk down a rocky path to the water, but well worth itTrust me, the photos do NOT do it justice!


Botched yoga pose.  It was in the waves and sand - excuses, excuses :D
093Thanks to everyone for stopping by and a special thanks to all my loyal readers for putting up with my long absense from the blogosphere :)))


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Wow, gorgeous pictures and gorgeous you. Love that pose...your hot bod makes me envious...hehehe!


Well I think your Yoga pose looks just great! Those beautiful pictures make me long for the SUN!!!
p.s. thanks for stopping by my blog the other day. Missed you!


You are looking great Michelle. Of course so are your Hawaii pictures. It is amazing how anywhere you go in Hawaii is a beach. Sometimes you have to work to get there. It is a gorgeous place.


Great pics, all!
What a great experience to have spent a good amount of time on the islands. I'm sure you got to know them better than most tourists who go for a short week.


Fantastic Yoga pose, beautiful and blend into the scenic beach. Gorgeous Michelle!


Wow Michelle, Hawaii is just so beautiful! And you look amazing oh my! :):):)


Wow Michelle, beautiful!!! Loving the botched yoga pose shot :-D


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