Solar and Eclipse
My New Himalayan Persian Fosters ~ They Are Exquisite, but Unfortunately Declawed

Happy Holidays Everyone!!!

I just wanted to write a quick post before we leave in a few hours on our holiday cruise.  I will have limited internet access so I'm afraid I will fall even further behind in my blogging than I already am.  I will hopefully have some interesting photos and stories to share upon my return. 

I do hope all of you have a very joyous and peaceful holiday season filled with lots of rest, relaxation, good friends and GOOD FOOD!  I look forward to visiting you all upon my return next week.  Take care everyone and thanks for visiting! 

{{{Hugs}}} Michelle



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Merry Christmas to you Michelle....enjoy the holidays as you remember also the meaning of this merry day. Muah!


Thanks Bing. You're right, I should have mentioned just how important remembering the real meaning in my post.


I hope you have a wonderful cruise and a very Merry Christmas.


Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones!


Merry Christmas to you and family! :)


Have a great trip, and a wonderful Christmas!

Aldon Hynes

Merry Christmas. I hope you have a wonderful cruise.

Brenda @ Split Rock Ranch

Happy Cruising! I love the photos of your kitties lounging about. ;o)

the diary

Merry Christmas!!! and Happy Holidays : )

Silly Willy and Fluffy

Michelle, Have a wonderful cruise! This is one of
the best ways of being pampered! Take lots of pics
to share and we will wait to enjoy them with you.
Keep smiling! Silly Willy & Fluffy

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