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Our Mini Vacation In Clearwater Beach


Last week my husband and I decided to celebrate his birthday by staying at the Sand Pearl Resort on Clearwater Beach for a couple of days.  Although this beach is literally in our back yard, Clearwater Beach is one of the most beautiful I've ever visited.  It is also close to home so we feel confident that our pets will be OK and we can make it back soon if need be.  We are very fortunate to have friends and my dad who come to stay at our house with them while we are both away.  Sometimes we have a cat sitter as well.  We still worry :)

We liked this hotel:

The sand is like baby powder


A pirate ship!


We were very pleased with our panaramic view of the gulf from our balcony:


Me before dinner.  I think this is my first time wearng this much blue


My husband and I at dinner:


My vegetarian dish was excellent but left me so hungry that...


I just had to have dessert ;)

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Thanks for visiting and I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Great News On Chanel and Petfinder :)

008Chanel is back up to 8 pounds and 1 ounce!  She was down to about 7 pounds 3 ounces about 6 weeks ago.  She had always weighed about 8 pounds and 12 ounces prior to her weight loss.  She is sitting on the chaise lounge above,  Fleur is on the big chair hammock and princess is watching the birds.

I'm elated that adoptions are way up at the shelter where I take photos and post them on Petfinder!  The above photo is of Noha.  This cat was approximately four years old and had been with them since he was a kitten.  I guess some of the main volunteers cried when he left.

When it comes to the color of a cat, solid black cats are the least likely to get adopted and the most likely to be euthanized at a kill shelter.  I would guesstimate that aproximately 75 % or more of the adult cats at the shelter I help at are all black.

I am going back to the shelter on Friday to update Petfinder and take some more photos.

Thanks so much for visiting and I hope you are having a good week :)