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Happy Sixth Birthday Coco and Chanel =^..^=

Coco chanel6

Pretty much anyone who has ever crossed paths with my blog knows that Coco is an angel celebrating her sixth birthday in heaven.  She passed away on March 19th after a year and a half battle with a very aggressive form of GI Lymphoma.   It has been ten weeks since that terrible day and I still cry daily.  I wonder why it seems to always happens right after I put my eye make up or eye cream on?

Having Sasha as well as all of my other kitties has helped of course and I would be equally as devastated if anything happened to any of them.  Coco and Chanel were rescues like the rest of our pets.  We got them when they were just eight weeks old.  They are the only pets we have that we have an actual birth date for since they were born in captivity.  The rest were found in the woods and various other places.

I know I was so lucky to have that extra year and a half with her, but it seems so unfair that a four and a half year old baby (at least in my eyes) could be stricken with such a horrible disease.  Part of the problem is I simply haven't had a lot of experience with death at all.  Anyone I've known whose passed away was in their eighties or older.  I know most people say that no matter how many times a person deals with death and no matter the age of your loved one doesn't make it any easier.  I'm sure that is true.

Time is helping some.  I would say that is about the only thing that is.  I don't want to continue crying at least once a day, but of course I don't want to forget her either.  If anyone wants to share an experience that is at all similar, that does seem to help - thanks in advance :)

I'm happy that we threw Coco and Chanel a little birthday party last year.  We made them a little tuna cake and bought them lot's of new toys.  We will have a similar cake for Chanel and the others this year.  Here is a link to the post showing photos of the entire celebration:


and one photo in case the link doesn't work:


Happy birthday and rest in peace my beloved angel Coco <3

May 29th, 2004 - March 19th 2010


Thanks for stopping by.  Have a wonderful weekend!