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Thankful Thursday! Sasha Is Making Fast Friends :)

016 Sasha will be around 6 weeks old tomorrow and you can see how tiny she is next to 4 year old Jasmine who weighs around 7 and a half pounds! Although we are introducing her to our other pets, my husband or I need to be present given her age and size.  One thing in her favor is her speed! 

Here she is sleeping on my shoulder: 038

And one last photo of her favorite sleeping position on her back.  She loves belly rubs <3 019 My other pets haven't gotten equal face time lately so I'm going to make a point to change that in the near future.  Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!

Almost Wordless Wednesday - Puerto Rico Photos

I love these Wordless or almost Wordless Wednesdays for several reasons.  First of all, I've always believed a picture says a 1000 words and it gives me the opportunity to blog while on vacation.  I promise to provide descriptions and more information when I'm home in a few days.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope everyone is doing well :)

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Bad thunderstorm this afternoon - got pretty wild!


Made It To Puerto Rico VERY Early Today :)

Made it to Puerto Rico VERY early this morning. I was too tired to take pictures today, but here is one from our ocean view balcony. I will post more tomorrow showing daylight scenes. I love it here :)

I know it's hard to see much.  I will try to take lot's of photos tomorrow.

One of the reasons I like this place so much is they treat cats very well - they almost worship them and you know in my humble opinion that is awesome!

Off To Vermont Again...


I'm leaving VERY early tomorrow morning to visit my grandmother (pictured above) for two days in Vermont.  Although I already have a ticket booked for April 28th to visit her I decided I needed to go now.  She was in the hospital over the weekend.  She has congestive heart failure and will be 90 years old in a few weeks.  My husband and I are scheduled to visit San Juan, Puerto Rico for five days beginning April 18th and I didn't feel comfortable going on vacation without seeing her. 

Thanks to my husband for getting my travel plans together so quickly and to my friend Tina (she's the blond) for ALL of her hospitality:

Obviously blogging may have to take a back seat for a couple of days though I did prepare a post for tomorrow in advance.  I SO appreciate all of your comments and will visit your sites as soon as things calm down :)