Roxy Update and Pathology Report
My Birthday With the Furkids Today

The Rescue of Rambo

My husband was watching the local NBC news in Columbus Ohio. He saw a story on the news about a local family whose 2 pets had been terrorized. The family dog was poisoned and died and their cat was beaten and had a severe broken leg that needs a special expensive surgery. He contacted NBC 4 and asked what he could do to help and volunteered to donate some money for the surgery and a truck load of food that the family can use to solicit donations for the rest of Rambos care. The family was very grateful and we do hope who ever did this despicable act is caught and punished. A special thanks to NBC Columbus and Anchor Mindy Drayer for bringing this type of animal abuse to peoples attention..There are unfortunately many awful people out there who get their kicks from abusing animals so please be careful and keep a careful eye on your pets .Rambo was one of the lucky ones whereas many are not as lucky and survive like Rambo.


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dave the hubby

Rambo is the sweetest cat and it is hard to believe the sick people out there who get their kicks from abusing animals. Rambo has a very good chance of survival and is just running around in his cast right now. Lets hope the sicko who did this is caught soon.


This really breaks my heart :(
I cannot understand how humans can behave this way.
That is why I keep an extra good eye on Sammy.


Kudos to Dave for stepping in to do something for Rambo and his human and canine family!

Hearing this story reminds me of why I sometimes really hate people and prefer animals. How could anyone do this?!? I just don't understand.

As far as I'm concerned, the perpetrator(s) should be treated to the same abuse - at a minimum - as punishment.

Dorothy L

Ahhhh...that poor cat. I can only hope that whoever did this finds their own demise!

He is lucky to have you to care for him!

Rambos Mom

Rambo is doing well now, Thanks to Dave and Maria. He had surgery to repair his leg 7/15/09.He now has a external fixator on his leg and most likely will have to have another minor surgery to remove it in 6 to 7 weeks.Until then he'll be viviting Dr.Dyce at OSU at least once a week.Maria and Dave, you will forever hold a place in the Humes family's haert.May God bless daily.
Thank you!!
Trace,Mikeal,Dawson and Rambo

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