I Got the Heart and Soul Award From One of My Favorite Writers :)!!!
Friday Furr-iends: Lulu and Gertie


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oh How very cute this is...thanks for taking the pictures and sharing!!:-)


I can totally see Coco doing Pilates... ;)


I have been thinking of getting this too...would love to read about your experience with it;)


It looked really cozy inside. :)

Penny Page

It's their latest game... Cat in the Box... LOL
She is adorable.

Vampy Vic

hahh Coco! you is very flat to fit in there.. momma wants to get one too! she forgets every time she goes shopping and comes home with stuffs to wear instead :(
I know now she sees your gorgeousness in the box she will not forget and get me one too! :)


Haha! That was funny, I thought he tried doing some tricks with Wii but this was totally cute! Anyway, I submitted an entry for a contest that can win me 500,000 gold just by simply giving a name to the twitter pig! You can try your luck as well, just visit: http://www.wowgoldpigpen.com/twittercontestform/

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