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Coco is Sick Again

  I can not believe this.  It looks like we had a misdiagnoses on the hemobartinella.  I haven't mentioned this because it is too depressing.  Everyone was so supportive before and I hated to mention something again before I knew more.  Coco has been at the vet for the past few days because she started vomiting.  To make a long story short they found a lump.  She is only 4 and a half.  It will take a week to get her results back and we can go from there.  The vet said she would not be surprised if it is cancer.  Sorry, I am rambling.  She has been my rock and I simply don't know how I will make it a whole week waiting.



Have a Safe and Wonderful Holiday From the Furkids

I tried to get all the furkids together in front of our Christmas tree, but that's not easy with this many :)  Anyways, we hope everyone has a wonderful holiday! 


I will leave you with a picture of our outdoor light display that my hubby worked so hard on with a picture of yours truly last week, exhausted after a long day at work:



Maria Michelle's Furkids Win an Award from Kamila the Camel!


Maria Michelle and her Furkids want to thank Kamila bestowing upon them this award:


This award stands for:

“These blogs invest and believe in PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships! These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated.

We are especially grateful and thankful because it is such an honor to receive an award from such a unique, and fun blog like Kamila's!  We strongly encorage you to visit her at:
