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My Saturday Night Excitement

So I was trying to sleep last night and was almost there when I woke up to one of my many felines crying OVER my head.  I turned the lights on to this:



It was our only male cat Peanut.  He is around one year old and I have no idea how he got himself all the way up to this spot.  He has a habit of doing these sort of things.  I had to stand on the bed and get him down.

So there you have it.  If you didn't know that I had no life before, you surely do now that you know this was my Saturday night excitement!

Christmas Came Early TWO Times for Me This Week!!!



I am absolutely thrilled to be awarded my only second and third awards this week.  Thank you so much to

The Matthias Chronicles for the Lemonade Award and cat lovers site for the Butterfly award!

The Lemonade Award is given to sites which the giver show either great attitude and or gratitude.  The Butterfly Award is given to sites which the giver belives is a truly cool blog.

The rules for these awards are:

1. Put the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3. Nominate 10 other blogs.
4. Add links to those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs

OK here are my nominated sites for both of these awards.  I am giving both awards to each of these because I believe them to be deserving of as much recognition as possible!

The Cat Zine  

My Himalayan Cat Goma

Kamila the camel

Of Cats 

Feathers Fins and Fur - For Animal Lovers


Life From a Cat's Perspective

Save Moki 

The Pet Haven 

My Love for Animals

 Congratulations to all and thanks for being such a great read!