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Fleur and I



I told you I was going to inundate you with pics of my new foster kitty.  I'm afraid she wasn't quite ready for this photo shoot.  As you can see, she would rather be anywhere else than where she is.  I afraid she looks like she wants to fly away in the second photo.  She was a little upset with me afterwards and ran away.  Hopefully our next shoot will be A LOT more relaxed!  However, I have found a magic trick to get my cats to be my BFF again - a can of fancy feast.  Trust me - works every time!




Our Black Lab "Shadow"


Our Black Lab is named Shadow for very good reasons!  He has what's called "Separation Anxiety Disorder".  He is my husband's shadow to put it mildly.  "Shadow" has this issue for very good reasons.  My husband found him wandering around his workplace looking pathetically emaciated.  We were hesitant to bring him home because he was so wild and we were worried about our other animals.

Needless to say, we have worked very hard to integrate Shadow into our home.  We have tried everything - even Doggy Prozac!  He is very healthy and even gets along with the cats who he used to bark at constantly.  He has given new meaning to "Patience is a Virtue".  I'm glad we decided to take our chances and work with him.


I Got a New Foster Kitty Named Fleur!


I'm so happy!!!  Fleur came to me yesterday and we've already bonded.  She's a real cuddle bunny!  Fleur stands for flower in french in case you were wondering.  She is about three months old and was found abandoned and wandering in some bushes over the weekend.  Given that she is three months old and ready to be spayed (the organization I work with believed in pediatric spaying), it's doubtful she will be with us that long.  I would love to find her a home with a friend, but I think I've exhausted that venue as I have given kittens to most of my friends already!

Everyone asks me how I can give them up after caring for them and getting attached.  All In say is that it is VERY, VERY difficult.  However, in the long run, I feel good about trying to help and make a difference.  As a matter of fact, it is sometimes impossible, which may explain why we have five of them.  I started fostering when I only had Coco and Chanel and planned to keep having just Coco and Chanel.  To be honest, I love having five.  They are really entertaining to say the least!

 Expect to see LOTS of pictures and listen to lots of stories about this little sweetheart over the next few weeks!


Remember to Click Once a Day!

The Animal Rescue SiteSend an E-Card & Fund Food!Remember when you click on the picture to the left you will be brought to The Animal Rescue Site.  When you get there just click the button to provide free food.  Just by clicking you are providing .6 bowls of food for homeless and hungry animals.  You can also send a free E-card from this site and this provides 1 bowl of food.  They have some cool cards so check them out!

NOTE:  To send a free E-card, first click on the top button for the The Animal Rescue Site.  When you reach the site, there should be a button to send the free E-card.  Let me know if something doesn't work!