Main | May 2008 »

For all of you dog lovers - Introducing Tiffany

Hpim0025 This is Tiffany and she is a full blooded Pomeranian.   She is not my dog unfortunately.  She belongs to my mother who got this little angel from the SPCA.  She is the most adorable and fun dog I have ever met!  I have seen so many of these dogs in pet stores for $1,000.00 or more.  It makes me so sad to think about how much difference that money could help homeless and needy animals.  So, if you want a "special" type of dog or cat like Tiffany, you may want to look around before spending your life savings!


Coco and Chanel

Cocochanel Here are Coco and Chanel.  They were my first rescued pets.  Can you believe they only cost $50.00 each with all their shots and spay?  Considering they are Himalayan Persians, I find this unbelievable.  They are sisters and will be four years old on May 29th.  They are so beautiful and are so good natured.  Even pure breeds need homes and the price is right!  I will be introducing you to the rest of my family over the next few days.

COCO - One of my full-timers.

Hpim0443                              This is Coco.  She is one of MY five cats.  Yes, I said five.  She is one of my oldest.  She and her sis Chanel are going to be four in May.  They are both rescues as all of our pets are.  Oh and BTW if five cats isn't enough, we have a black lab too!  I will be introducing you to each of our pets during my next few

Coco Hpim0445 blogs.  Coco likes to sit like a person.  She just sits right up in the middle of the loveseat and watches over all of us.  I've never seen a cat sit like this so often.

If you don't do anything else after looking at my site PLEASE, PLEASE check out the following web site and bookmark it or save it to your favorites.  If you simply click on it once a day you provide food for homeless animals.  You can also buy from their many advertisers and provide even more food.  I bought my Mother's Day gift for about forty dollars including shipping and it provided 25 bowls of food for needy animals!!!  Here is the web site, please check it out:

Why am I Doing this?



Hello everyone. My name is Michelle and I am starting this web site in order to reach out to other animal lovers.  I want to encourage as many people as possible to do what they can to help homeless, abused and forgotten animals.  Many of the ways that I will be sharing on this site cost no money or very little.  I also want to hear as many success stories as possible for my own happiness as well as to make others aware of the rewards and unconditional love brought to one by helping animals!  I have been an animal foster parent for many years and it is one of my most favorite things to do.  Please see my photo albums of my pets and keep in touch!